As Far As Love Goes

StartLyrics / SongtexteAs Far As Love Goes

As far as love goes
A woman
You might have been the one
As far as loves goes
Who knows where it might have gone
As far as loves goes
You say I am an unforgiving man
Been down to many roads
To pretend to understand
How far loves goes

And that was before the city
Closed its perfume flowers behind us
That was before we took these gritty Roads
Too where no one would find us
Too wash the blood of of our hands
There is nothing more to see

Ohh. Woman
You are still a mystery to me
As far as loves goes

As far as loves goes
You say I am a player with no game
I have played to many roles
To believe these lines I say
How for love goes

And that was before the black woods
Closed their dying leaves behind us
That was before we took these backwards Roads
Too where no one would find us
Too wash the blood of of our hands
There is nothing more to see

Ohhh… Woman
You are still mystery to me
As far as love goes
As far as love goes

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Irgendwann 2009 sah ich im Fernsehen eine Übertragung eines Konzerts mit einer blonden Sängerin mit Gitarre und einem Posaunisten an der Seite. Ich bemerkte zwar sowohl die seltene Kombination als auch die tolle Stimme, zappte aber weiter. Was für ein Fehler. Kurz darauf trat Tina Dico bei „Inas Nacht” auf, ich suchte im Web nach mehr Musik, stieß auf das Roskilde-Video und wurde recht schnell zum Fan. Viele Konzerte und ein paar Jahre und Alben später entstand diese Website … mehr über diese Fan-Seiten lesen

Tina Dico