
What happened to the whispers
(the whispers)
(of love and of beauty)
Yeah, the whispers
(the whispers)
(of faith and of frailty)
What happened to the whispers
I feel no pain
Not human anymore
And we are strange
Don't know you like before
I promise nothing
To let you down
And that is all I did
Oh, sweet nothing
Was the jewel in the cown
That I sold at the lowest bid
King of swines
Prince of lies
Wicked's faithful servant
Boredom's son
Loves hired gun
Now I'm a chapter
In that sad little book
That you keep beside your bed
Me, I know better
To let any memory
Lodge inside my head
King of swines
Prince of lies
Wicked's faithful servant
Boredom's son
Loves hired gun
Whatever happened to the whispers
(the whispers)
What happened to the whispers
(of love and of beauty)
The whispers
(the whispers)
Whatever happened to those whispers
(of faith and of frailty)
Yeah, the whispers
(the whispers)
I've no friends left
Who could've through this
Now all I've kept
Is the taste of a selfish kiss
King of swines
Prince of lies
Wicked's faithful servant
Boredom's son
Loves hired gun
Whatever happened to the whispers
(the whispers)
What happened to those whispers
(of love and of beauty)
The whispers
(the whispers)
Whatever happened to the whispers
(of faith and of frailty)
The whispers
(the whispers)
Yeah, what happened to those whispers
(of hope and of tending)
The whispers
(the whispers)
Whatever happened to the whispers
(of love and of beauty)
Oh, the whispers
(the whispers)
(of love and of beauty)
(the whispers)
(of faith and of frailty)
What happened to the whispers

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Irgendwann 2009 sah ich im Fernsehen eine Übertragung eines Konzerts mit einer blonden Sängerin mit Gitarre und einem Posaunisten an der Seite. Ich bemerkte zwar sowohl die seltene Kombination als auch die tolle Stimme, zappte aber weiter. Was für ein Fehler. Kurz darauf trat Tina Dico bei „Inas Nacht” auf, ich suchte im Web nach mehr Musik, stieß auf das Roskilde-Video und wurde recht schnell zum Fan. Viele Konzerte und ein paar Jahre und Alben später entstand diese Website … mehr über diese Fan-Seiten lesen

Tina Dico