Watching Him Go

StartLyrics / SongtexteWatching Him Go

… auf diesen Alben:


I must be crazy to tell you what I’m telling you now
It’s kinda personal but I’m way beyond being proud
I just spent a year saying no to this man chasing me down
Then he got over me the minute I turned around

I was so hell bent on being alone
A left-over dream I should have out-grown

Now it’s too little too late
I’ve been replaced
Why did I wait so long?
Just a few minutes too late
The tables have turned
And what have I learnt?
That life is better lived with open eyes
My eyes were closed
And now I’m watching him go

I look at couples made of people who just wanna be free
It proves the grass is always greener if they wanna be me
Even the mention of her name brings a smile to his face
It isn’t easy to admit it but he’s in a good place

No longer hell bent on being alone
A left-over dream I’ve finally out-grown

But it’s too little too late
I’ve been replaced
Why did I wait so long?
Just a few minutes too late
The tables have turned
And what have I learnt?
That life is better lived with open eyes

I gave too little too late
I’ve been replaced
Why did I wait so long?
Just a few minutes too late
The tables have turned
And what have I learnt?
That life is better lived with open eyes
My eyes were closed
And now I’m watching him go

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Irgendwann 2009 sah ich im Fernsehen eine Übertragung eines Konzerts mit einer blonden Sängerin mit Gitarre und einem Posaunisten an der Seite. Ich bemerkte zwar sowohl die seltene Kombination als auch die tolle Stimme, zappte aber weiter. Was für ein Fehler. Kurz darauf trat Tina Dico bei „Inas Nacht” auf, ich suchte im Web nach mehr Musik, stieß auf das Roskilde-Video und wurde recht schnell zum Fan. Viele Konzerte und ein paar Jahre und Alben später entstand diese Website … mehr über diese Fan-Seiten lesen

Tina Dico