Someone You Love

StartLyrics / SongtexteSomeone You Love

… auf diesen Alben:


You came to me in peace
I gave you what you wanted but no more
than just enough
And now i'm on my knees
I've mercy on my soul
I am here to return your love

I'm reaching to be found
Let anyone that trust in me be seen and be heard
and Lord if I had known
That love would be your punishment
i would've kept my word
is that what you do?

For someone you love
You'll do it all for someone you love
Someone you love
You'll do it right for someone you love

You came to me out of nothing
Your beauty almost killed me
and the notion left me cold
I saw only your reflection
As always in this life
I never saw the image whole
and now the little I can give
Is all my love into a song
I'll never stop to sing
You've shown the will to live
And someday we'll meet face to face
And I'll be born again
Yes you'll be born again

For someone you love
You'll be born again for someone you love
Someone you love
let yourself be born again for someone you love
Someone you love
let yourself be born again for someone you love
Someone you love
You'll do it all for someone you love
Someone you love
You'll be born again for someone you love
Someone you love
let yourself be born again for someone you love

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Irgendwann 2009 sah ich im Fernsehen eine Übertragung eines Konzerts mit einer blonden Sängerin mit Gitarre und einem Posaunisten an der Seite. Ich bemerkte zwar sowohl die seltene Kombination als auch die tolle Stimme, zappte aber weiter. Was für ein Fehler. Kurz darauf trat Tina Dico bei „Inas Nacht” auf, ich suchte im Web nach mehr Musik, stieß auf das Roskilde-Video und wurde recht schnell zum Fan. Viele Konzerte und ein paar Jahre und Alben später entstand diese Website … mehr über diese Fan-Seiten lesen

Tina Dico