He Doesn’t Know

StartLyrics / SongtexteHe Doesn’t Know

… auf diesen Alben:


If you ever pass by where I used to live
And should you bump in to the man I was with
Back when I didn’t know what to believe
Please, will you tell him from me

That I loved him with every beat of my heart
I’d tremble with longing when we were apart
Oh, I’d ache to pull him in close
I don’t think he knows

The last thing I heard he was losing his job
I guess they’d found out that he rarely turned up
He hated it there only stayed for me
Please, will you make him believe

That I always thought you should follow your dreams
However hard and uncertain it seems
I’d have loved him whatever he chose
I don’t think he knows

I lives grew apart, it’s been just over a year
For reasons I can’t really tell you about here
Love wasn’t nearly enough in the end
Please, will you tell him again

That I hurt myself more than I ever hurt him
I wasn’t as distant and cold as I seemed
I was lost all the way into my bones
I don’t think he knows

When the dust had settled he moved on as well
He found a new girl that he loved, I could tell
And my mind started wandering jealously
Please, will you ask him from me

If really he thought that I was the one
Or were we just sharing some time on the run
Did he love me with peace and with hope
I don’t really know…

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Irgendwann 2009 sah ich im Fernsehen eine Übertragung eines Konzerts mit einer blonden Sängerin mit Gitarre und einem Posaunisten an der Seite. Ich bemerkte zwar sowohl die seltene Kombination als auch die tolle Stimme, zappte aber weiter. Was für ein Fehler. Kurz darauf trat Tina Dico bei „Inas Nacht” auf, ich suchte im Web nach mehr Musik, stieß auf das Roskilde-Video und wurde recht schnell zum Fan. Viele Konzerte und ein paar Jahre und Alben später entstand diese Website … mehr über diese Fan-Seiten lesen

Tina Dico